What's Planned for TelcoMgr

The planning information and feature descriptions that appear under the topic "What's Planned for TelcoMgr" are subject to change without notice. Some features may be incorporated into a custom version and released as a minor product upgrade (number to the right of the decimal in a version designation and formed as #.#:

Do you have a suggestion or improvement for TelcoMgr? Contact sherlock@abci-software.com. The following is our current "To Do List" to improve TelcoMgr.

Future Development

1.Cross-tab or array reporting from TelcoMgr to Excel.

2.As a custom application, we are deploying an IP Client/Server for the TelcoMgr.exe, which means the TelcoMgr integrated File Manager will be separated as an independent dynamic link library. The new TelcoMgr File Manager will reside with the TelcoMgr database files and not traverse the LAN or WAN where it resides. The real benefit to users will be increase performance and less chances of file corruption in a LAN/WAN environment. The new File Manger design will not have any impact on MS Terminal Server installations.

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